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Duchesne River Resources

Expert in Rocky Mountain
Oil and Gas

Duchesne River Resources is an opportunity focused, technically oriented consulting and investment firm dealing in oil and gas developments in the greater Rockies. I will be happy to assist in building investment cases, quantifying risk or mapping out prospect opportunities. Building investment-grade drilling campaigns within the Rockies is my specialty.

Geologic Consulting

Certified professional geologist in Utah and Wyoming

Prospect Generation

Tight oil and gas prospects across the Rocky Mountains

Oil and Gas Financing 

Expert at connecting cash with deals

Who Am I


Riley Brinkerhoff

Riley Brinkerhoff has seventeen years of unconventional exploration and development experience, mostly drilling horizontal wells across the continental US.  He has a master’s and bachelor’s from BYU in geology, and an MBA from the University of Utah. Specializing in opportunities in the Uinta Basin for the past six years, he has authored several papers and presentations on the Green River oil play. From a base of zero, he has grown his company to nearly 15K net barrels of oil per day from the Uinta (so if you drive a car in Utah, he thanks you for supporting his business!). He is currently serving as the president of the AAPG-RMS, is a member of the Utah Geological Survey board of directors representing minerals (hydrocarbons) and a past president of both the UGA and MGS. 

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